[Scene: Central Perk, everyone is there. Ross working on crossword puzzle, starts humming theme from The Odd Couple. Chandler joins in, followed by Monica and Phoebe, then the whole gang. Ross starts humming theme from I Dream Of Jeannie.]

Chandler: No-no-no-no, we're done.
아냐, 아냐. 또 하면 재미없어

Opening Credits
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica is on the phone in the kitchen.]

Monica: Aunt Syl, stop yelling! All I'm saying is that if you had told me vegetarian lasagna, I would have made vegetarian lasagna. (pauses, listens to person on phone) Well, the meat's only every third layer, maybe you could scrape.
실 숙모, 소리 그만 좀 지르세요! 야채 라자냐를 만들라고 미리 말씀하셨으면, 야채 라자냐를 만들었을거잖아요, 고기는 세번째 층에만 있으니까, 긁어내고 드시든지요.

(Camera moves to Chandler, Phoebe, Ross, and Joey sitting in living room)

Joey: Ross, did you really read all these baby books?
로스, 이 임신과 육아에 관한 책들을 정말 다 읽은거야?

Ross: Yup! You could plunk me down in the middle of any woman's uterus, no compass, and I can find my way out of there like that!
그럼, 날 어떤 자궁에던 던져놔 봐. 나침반 없이도 밖으로 빠져나올 자신 있어
(snaps fingers)

Phoebe: Ooh, this is cool...it says in some parts of the world, people actually eat the placenta. (Joey grimaces)
우.. 이건 심했다. 어떤 나라에선 사람들이 태반을 먹기도 한데..

Chandler: And, we're done with the yogurt. (Sets yogurt down on table)
요구르트는 이제 다 먹었네

Phoebe: (softly) Sorry. (Camera pans back to Monica, still on phone)

Monica: Aunt Syl, I did this as a favor, I am not a caterer. What do you want me to do with a dozen lasagnas? (listens to Aunt Syl on phone, looks shocked) Nice talk, Aunt Syl. (in New York accent) You kiss Uncle Freddie with that mouth?
실 숙모, 내가 좋아서 한 거지, 제가 출장요리사는 아니잖아요. 어떻게 그런 말씀을. 실 숙모. 그 입으로 삼촌 프레디랑 키스 하세요?

(Camera pans back to group in living room)

Joey: Hey Ross, listen, you know that right now, your baby's only this big? (measures about 2 inches with his thumb and index finger) This is your baby. (in baby-like voice) Hi Daddy!
이봐, 로스. 그거 알아? 니 아기가 겨우 요만하다는 거 알아? 이 정도야. 안녕, 아빠!

Ross: (waves) Hello!

Joey: (in baby-like voice) How come you don't live with Mommy? (pause; shows Ross less than amused) How come Mommy lives with that other lady? (pause; Ross still looks less than amused; Joey smiling) What's a lesbian? (playfully hits Ross)
아빠는 왜 엄마랑 같이 안 살아요? 엄나가 왜 다른 여자랑 살죠? 레즈비언이 뭐에요?

(Rachel enters with Paolo, speaking Italian. Ross looks annoyed)
Rachel: Honey, you can say it, Poconos, Poconos, it's like Poc-o-nos (touching Paolo's nose with forefinger with each syllable)
자긴 말할 수 있어. 포코노즈 포코노즈. 따라해봐요 포-코-노-즈

Paolo: Ah, poke (Paolo touches Rachel's nose) a (touches nose again) nose, mmm (they rub noses, then kisses her)
아.. 포-코-노-즈.

Joey, Chandler, and Ross: (sitting in living room, imitating Paolo) Mma, Mma, Mmaah
(Camera pans to Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe in the kitchen)
Monica: So, did I hear Poconos?
근데 포코노즈는 왜?

Rachel: Yes, my sister's giving us her place for the weekend.
언니가 주말에 자기 집을 빌려준데

Phoebe: Woo-hoo, first weekend away together!
우후! 첫번째 주말여행이네!

Monica: Yeah, that's a big step.
그래, 많이 발전했네

Rachel: I know...

(Camera pans to Ross, looking dejected)
Chandler: (to Ross) Ah, it's just a weekend, big deal!
그냥 주말이잖아. 별 거 아냐

Ross: Wasn't this supposed to be just a fling, huh? Shouldn't it be...(makes flinging motions with hands) flung by now?
그냥 불장난일 뿐인거 아냐? 지금쯤은 불이 꺼졌어야 되는거 아냐?

(Camera pans back to Rachel)

Rachel: I mean, we are way past the fling thing, I mean, I am feeling things that I've only read about in Danielle Steele books, you know? I mean, when I'm with him, I'm totally, totally...
우린 마치 불장난 하는 것 같아. 내가 유일하게 읽은 다니엘 스틸 책에 나오는 그런 거 같아. 파올로랑 있으면, 난 완전히, 완전히..

(Camera pans to Ross, holding his stomach)

Ross: ...nauseous, I'm physically nauseous. What am I supposed to do, huh? Call immigration? (pauses, looks suddenly inspired) I could call immigration!
...역겨워. 토할것 같애. 어떻게 했으면 좋을까? 이민국에 신고하까? 좋은 생각인네!

[Scene: The Hallway, Chandler and Joey leaving girls' apartment, carrying lasagna.]
Joey: I love babies, with their little baby shoes, and their little baby toes, and their little baby hands...
난 아기가 정말 좋아. 작은 신발하며, 발가락이랑, 손이랑...

Chandler: Ok, you're going to have to stop that, forever!
됐어. 그만 좀 해라! 앞으로 절대로 하지마!

(Joey opens door, throws keys on kitchen table, table falls over)

Joey: Need a new table.
테이블 새로 사야겠다

Chandler: You think?

[Scene: Carol and Susan's, there's a knock on the door and Carol answers it to Ross.]

Carol: Hey hey, come on in!

(Ross enters, carrying lasagna)

Ross: Hey, hello! mmwa! (kisses Carol) I brought all the books, and Monica sends her love, along with this lasagna.
잘지냈어? 부탁한 책 다 가져왔어. 그리고 이건 모니카가 만든 라자냐야

Carol: Oh great! Is it vegetarian, 'cause Susan doesn't eat meat.
고마워! 야채로만 만든거야? 수잔은 채식주의자거든

Ross: (pauses) I'm pretty sure that it is...
그럼 물론이지...

Carol: So, I got the results of the amnio today.
오늘 양수검사결과 나왔어

Ross: (making flinging gestures with hands) Oh, tell me, tell me, is everything, uhh....?
오, 뭐래? 다..?

Carol: Totally and completely healthy!
아무 이상없고 건강하대

Ross: Oh, that's great, that is great! (Hugs and kisses Carol. Then picks up a picture frame)
잘됐다. 정말 잘됐어!

Ross: Hey, when did you and Susan meet Huey Lewis?
당신이랑 수잔이랑 언제 휴이 루이스를 만났데?

Carol: Uh, that's our friend Tanya.
그건 우리 친구 타냐야

Ross: (surprised, chuckling nervously) Of course it's your friend Tanya. (looks up frightenedly)
그래, 당신 친구 타냐지. 물론

Carol: Don't you want to know about the sex?
성에 대해 알고 싶지 않아요?

Ross: (chuckles nervously) The sex? (chuckles) Um, I'm having enough trouble with the image of you and Susan together, when you throw in Tanya (miming washing hair, that's the best I could think of), yaw...
섹스? 난 당신이랑 수잔이 함께 있는 상상만 해도 벅찬데. 타냐까지 끼면...

Carol: The sex of the baby, Ross.
아기 성별말이예요..로스

Ross: Oh, you know the sex of the baby? Oh, oh-oh-oh!
아..당신은 알고있어?

Carol: Do you want to know?
알고 싶어요?

Ross: No, no, no, no, no, I don't want to know, absolutely not. I think, you know, I think you should know until you look down there, and say, oop, there it is! (pauses) Or isn't...
(Susan enters)
아니아니아니, 전혀 알고 싶지 않아. 모르고 있다가 나중에 나오면 봐서 '어! 있네!' 하면 돼. 아님 '어! 없네?'라든가...

Susan: Oh, hello Ross!
안녕, 로스!

Ross: Susan...

Susan: So, so, did you hear?
그래, 들었어요?

Ross: Yes, we did, everything's A-OK!
물론, 모든게 다 정상이래요!

Susan: Oh, that's so... (Susan hugs Carol, they giggle, Ross steps away) It really is...do we know...?
잘됐다! 정말 잘됐어.. 그것도 알아?

Carol: Yes, we certainly do, it's going to be...
물론이지. 뭐냐면...

Ross: (flailing arms in protest) Oh, hey hey hey, ho ho ho, hello, guy who doesn't want to know, standing right here!
어, 안돼 안돼.. 알고 싶어 하지 않는 사람이 바로 여기 서 있잖아!

Susan: Oh, well, is it what we thought it would be?
그럼.. 우리가 생각했던 대로야?

Carol: Mm-hmmm (Susan and Carol hug, giggling. Ross stands back, reaches out and lightly taps Susan's shoulder)
Ross: Ok, what, what...ok, what did we think it was going to be?
저기.. 이봐.. 뭐라고 생각했는데?

Carol and Susan: It's a...

Ross: (interrupts) No, no, no I don't want to know, don't want to know. Ok, you know, I should probably, I should probably just go.
아냐, 아냐 알고 싶지 않아. 난 바로 가는게 좋겠다.

Carol: Well, thanks for the books.
그래요, 책 고마워요

Ross: No problem, ok, mmmwa (kisses Carol) oh, mmmwa (kisses Carol's stomach, then punches Susan's shoulder) Susan... (Ross leaves.)
그런 거 가지고 뭘...

Susan: All right, who should we call first, your folks, or Deb and Rona? (intercom buzzer rings)
좋아. 누구한테 뭔저 알리지? 가족들? 데브? 로나?

Carol: Hello?

Ross: (on intercom) Uh, never mind, I don't want to know. (Carol and Susan laugh)
어..아냐. 됐어. 알고 싶지 않아

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey and Chandler use their knees as a table to support the lasagna.]

Chandler: Ok, so it's just because it was my table, I have to buy a new one?
그러니까, 내 테이블이었으니까, 내가 새 테이블을 사야된다?

Joey: That's the rule.
원래 그런거야

Chandler: What rule? There's no rule, if anything, you owe me a table!
뭐가 원래 그래? 그런거 없어. 니가 내 테이블 값 물어내야지

Joey: How'd you get to that?
왜 내가?

Chandler: Well, I believe the piece of furniture was fine until your little breakfast adventure with Angela Delvecchio
니가 안젤라랑 아침 먹으면서 난리 피우기 전까진 멀쩡했단 말야

Joey: You knew about that?
알고 있었냐?

Chandler: Well, let's just say the impressions you made in the butter left little to the imagination.
니가 만들어놓은 버터 모양을 보고 충분히 상상이 됐어

Joey: Ok, ok, How about if we split it?
좋아, 좋아, 둘이 나누는건 어때?

Chandler: What do you mean, like, buy it together?
뭔 말이야? 공동부담하자고?

Joey: Yeah

Chandler: You think we're ready for something like that?
그게 가능하다고 생각해?

Joey: Why not?
왜 안돼?

Chandler: Well, it's a pretty big commitment, I mean, what if one of us wants to move out?
아주 큰 문제야. 만약 우리 중 누가 나간다고 하면 어떻할래?

Joey: Why, are you moving out?
왜? 너 나갈거야?

Chandler: I'm not moving out.
난 안나가지

Joey: You'd tell me if you were moving out right
만약 나갈거면 당장 나한테 말해야돼

Chandler: Yeah, yeah, it's just that with my last roommate Kip...
알았어. 지난 번 룸메이트였던 킵이랑...

Joey: Aw, I know all about Kip!
또 킵 얘기야!

Chandler: It's just that we bought a hibachi together, and then he ran off and got married, and things got pretty ugly.
둘이 같이 화로를 샀는데, 그 녀석이 급하게 결혼하는 바람에 골치 아팠단 말야

Joey: Well, let me ask you something, was Kip a better roommate than me?
하나 물어보자. 나보다 킵이 더 좋았어?

Chandler: Aw, don't do that
그러지 마라

[Scene: Phoebe's Massage Parlor, Phoebe's assistant is telling her about the changes to her schedule.]
Phoebe's Assistant: We've got a couple changes in your schedule. Your 4:00 herbal massage has been pushed back to 4:30 and Miss Somerfield canceled her 5:30 shiatsu.
예약이 몇개 바뀌었어. 4시 허브 맛사지는 4시 30분으로 연기됐고, 5시 30분 소머필드 양은 취소됐어.

Phoebe: Ok, thanks. (assistant leaves, then walks back in)

Phoebe's Assistant: Oh, here comes your 3:00. I don't mean to sound unprofessional, but, yum (walks out, Paolo enters)
3시 손님왔네. 전문가로서 할 소린 아니지만.. 죽인다.

Paolo: Buon Giorno, Bella Phoebe!

Phoebe: Oh, Paolo, hi, what are you doing here?
오, 파올로! 여긴 어쩐일이예요?

Paolo: Uh, Racquela tell me you massage, eh?
레이첼이 당신 맛사지사라고 하던데요?

Phoebe: Well, Racquela's right, yeah!
네 맞아요!

(Paolo speaks Italian)

Phoebe: Oh, okay, I don't know what you just said, so let's get started.
무슨 말인지 모르겠으니까, 일단 시작해보자구요

Paolo: Uh, I am, uh, being naked?
다 벗을까요?

Phoebe: Um, that's really your decision, I mean, some people prefer, you know, to take off...oh whoops! You're being naked!
맘대로 해요. 어떤 사람들은 벗는 걸 더 좋아애요..어머! 벌써 벗었네요!

[Scene: Central Perk, everyone but Phoebe is there.]

Rachel: (to Ross) I can't believe you don't want to know. I mean, I couldn't not know, I mean, if, if the doctor knows, and Carol knows, and Susan knows....
왜 알고 싶지않다는거야? 난 못참을 거 같은데. 의사도 알지, 캐롤도 알고, 수잔도 알고..

Monica: And Monica knows...
모니카도 알지..

Ross: Wha, heh, how could you know, I don't even know!
뭐? 나도 모르는데 니가 어떻게 알았어?

Monica: Carol called me to thank me for the lasagna, I asked, she told me.
캐롤이 라자냐 고맙다고 전화했길래, 물어봤더니 얘기해주던데

Joey: So what's it gonna be? (Monica whispers in Joey's ear. Ross gets up and waves arms frantically in protest)
그래서 뭐래?

Ross: Wait—oh—hey—huh, oh great now he knows, and I don't know!
이제 조이도 알고 나만 모르잖아!

Monica: I'm sorry, I'm just excited about being an aunt!
미안, 고모가 된다니까 넘 흥분돼서 그래!

Joey: Or an uncle...
삼촌도 그래...

(Phoebe enters)

Joey and Chandler: Hey Phoebe!

Ross: Hi Pheebs!

Rachel: Pheebs!

Phoebe: Fine!

Monica: Phoebe, what's the matter?
피비, 무슨 일 있어?

Phoebe: Nothing, I'm sorry, I'm just, I'm out of sorts.
아니! 미안, 기분이 언짢아서 그래

Customer: Hey, can we get some cappuccino over here?
아가씨, 여기 카푸치노 안 줄거예요?

Rachel: Oh, right, that's me!
아. 맞어, 나지!

Joey: Hey, Chandler, that table place closes at 7, come on.
야, 챈들러, 가구점은 7시면 닫어, 가자

Chandler: Fine. (Joey and Chandler walk towards the door)

Monica: Phoebe, what is it?
피비, 뭔데?

Phoebe: All right, you know Paolo?
좋아, 파올롸 알지?

Ross: I'm familiar with his work, yes...
파올로라면 훤하지..그럼..

Phoebe: Well, he made a move on me.
나한테 수작부렸어

(Joey and Chandler come back)

Joey: Whoa, store will be open tomorrow!
가구점 내일도 열거야!

Chandler: More coffee over here, please!
여기 커피 좀 더 줄래?

Commercial Break

[Scene: Central Perk, continued from earlier.]

Monica: Well, what happened?
어떻게 된 건데?

Phoebe: Well, he came in for a massage, and everything was fine until. (A flashback starts Paolo, lying on massage table, moving his hands up Phoebe's legs.)
마사지를 받으러 왔더라구, 다 괜찮았는데...

[Cut back to Central Perk.]

Joey and Chandler: Ooooohh!

Ross: My God.

Monica: Are you sure?

(The flashback resumes with Paolo grabbing her butt.)
[Cut back to Central Perk.]
Phoebe: Oh yeah, I'm sure. (Flashback resumes with Phoebe doing a voiceover.) And all of a sudden his hands weren't the problem anymore. (Flashback continues: Paolo rolls over, Phoebe looks down, then quickly looks up, bites lip, shakes her head)
그럼! 확실해! 그리고 갑자기 손장난은 문제도 아닌거야

Monica: Was it...?

Phoebe: Oh, boy scouts could have camped under there.
보이스카웃이 거기 아래서 캠프해도 되겠더라구!

Guys: Oooooo....

(Rachel runs over)

Rachel: "Ooo," what?

Phoebe: Uma Thurman.
우마 써먼말야

Monica: Oh!

Ross: The actress!

(all talking indistinctly, high-fiving)

Ross: Thanks Rach.

(Rachel walks away)

Chandler: So what are you gonna do?
그래서 어떻할건데?

Ross: You have to tell her! You have to tell her! It's your moral obligation, as a friend, as a woman, I think it's a feminist issue! Guys? Guys? (waiting for guys to chime in)
말해야지! 말해야 돼! 도덕적 의무라구. 친구로서, 여자로서. 이건 여성인권문제야! 맞지? 그렇지?

Chandler: Oh, yeah, you have to tell her.
그럼 말해야지

Joey: Feminist issue. That's where I went!
여성 인권. 내말이 그말이야!

Phoebe: She is gonna hate me.
레이첼이 나 미워할거야

Ross:(sympathetic yet...) Yeah, well...

[Scene: The Table Store, Joey and Chandler and looking for their new table.]

Joey: Will you pick one, just pick one! Here, how about that one? (points to a table)
니가 고를거면 그냥 찍어! 저건 어때?

Chandler: That's patio furniture!
저건 발코니에 놓는거잖아!

Joey: So what, like people are gonna come in and think, "Uh-oh, I'm outside again?" Of course!
그래서 뭐, 사람들이 보고선 "어, 나 또 밖으로 왔네"하겠지 뭐

Chandler: (gesturing towards another table) What about the birds?
새 그림은 어때?

Joey: I don't know, birds just don't say, "Hello, sit here, eat something."
글쎄, 새들이 "안녕하세요, 여기 앉아서 뭐든 드세요"라고 그럴 것 같지 않아?

Chandler: You pick one.
니가 골라

Joey: All right, how about the ladybugs?
좋아, 무당벌레 그림은?

Chandler: Oh, so, forget about the birds, but big red insects suggest fine dining!
그래, 방금 새 얘기 한 거 잊었냐? 저 크고 빨간 곤충은 근사한 식사대접이라도 할 거 같냐?

Joey: Fine, you want to get the birds, get the birds!
알았어. 새로 하고 싶으면 새그림으로 해!

Chandler: Not like that, I won't! (pauses) Kip would have liked the birds! (Joey turns and gives Chandler a dirty look)
됐어. 안할래! 킵은 새 그림 좋아했을건데

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel folding and packing clothes in suitcases as Phoebe enters.]

Phoebe: Hey!

Rachel: Hi Pheebs!

Phoebe: Are you moving out?

Rachel: No, these aren't all my suitcases. (picks up small blue suitcase and shows to Phoebe) This one's Paolo's.
아니. 이거 다 내 짐이야. 요건 파올로꺼고

Phoebe: Um, um, Rachel can we talk for a sec?
저기 레이첼, 나랑 잠깐 얘기 좀 할까?

Rachel: Well, sure...just a sec, though, 'cause Paolo's on his way over.
그래! 잠깐만이야! 파올로가 여기 오는 중이거든

Phoebe: Oh! (sits down) Ok, um, ok, um,

Rachel: Oh, Pheebs, Pheebs...
피비 빨리..

Phoebe: Ok, um, (clears throat) we haven't known each other for that long a time, and, um, there are three things that you should know about me. One, my friends are the most important thing in my life, two, I never lie, and three, I make the best oatmeal raisin cookies in the world. (Phoebe opens a tin and offers Rachel a cookie)
우리가 그리 오래 알고 지내진 않았잖아.. 나에 대해 알아야 할 게 세 가지 있어. 하나는 내 인생에서 가장 소중한 건 내 친구들이야. 둘은 난 절대 거짓말 안해, 그리고 셋은 난 세상에서 가장 맛있는 오트밀 쿠키를 만들어.

Rachel: (taking cookie) Ok, thanks Pheebs (takes bite of cookie, overwhelmed) Oh my God, why have I never tasted these before?!
어머나! 왜 여태 이 맛을 보지 못했을까?

Phoebe: Oh, I don't make them a lot because I don't think it's fair to the other cookies
자주 만들지 않거든, 다른 쿠키랑 공평한 거 같지 않아서 말야

Rachel: All right, well, you're right, these are the best oatmeal cookies I've ever had.
네 말이 맞아. 내가 먹어본 것 중에 최고로 맛있는 오트밀 쿠키야

Phoebe: Which proves that I never lie.
내가 절대 거짓말 안 한다는게 증명된거지?

Rachel: I guess you don't.

Phoebe: Paolo made a pass at me.
파올로가 나한테 수작부렸어

(Rachel looks stunned)

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Ross, Chandler, Joey, and Monica admiring their new table.]

Chandler: So, what do you think?
어떤 거 같애?

Ross: I think It's the most beautiful table I've ever seen.
이렇게 아름다운 식탁은 처음 봐

Chandler: I know!
그럴 줄 알았어!

(The camera pans back to reveal Joey and Chandler's new foosball table.)

Monica: So how does this work, you going to balance the plates on these little guys' heads?
그럼 밥은 어떻게 먹어? 얘들 머리위에 올려놓고 그릇 잡고 먹을거야?

Joey: Who cares, we'll eat at the sink! Come on, let's play!
싱크대에서 먹을거야! 한 판 하자!

Monica: Heads up Ross! (Monica scores on Chandler and Joey) Score! (points at Chandler) You suck!
머리 들어 오빠! 골! 한 방 먹었지!

(Chandler looks at Joey in amazement)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is recovering from the shock.]

Phoebe: Are you okay?

Rachel: I need some milk.
우유 좀 마셔야겠다

Phoebe: Ok, I've got milk (takes thermos from her bag and starts to pour a cup) Here you go... (Rachel drinks straight from thermos) Oh!(Rachel finishes thermos) Better?
그래. 우유 가져왔어. 여기 있어.. 좀 나아?

Rachel: No...oh, I feel so stupid! Oh, I think about the other day with you guys and I was all "Oh, Paolo, he's so great, he makes me feel so..." Oh, God, I'm so embarrassed!
아니. 너무 바보같애! 엊그제 니네들 붙잡고 한 말 생각이 나. "오, 파올로, 너무 근사해. 파올로랑 있으면 난..." 너무 기가 차 죽겠네!

Phoebe: I'm so embarrassed, I'm the one he hit on!
내가 기가 차 죽겠어, 나도 한 방 먹었어!

(Phoebe's and Rachel's lines overlap)

Rachel: Pheebs, if I had never met him this never would have happened!
피비, 내가 파올로랑 만나지 않았으면 이런 일 안 생겼을거야!

Rachel and Phoebe: I'm so sorry! No I'm sorry! No I'm sorry! No I'm sorry!
정말 미안해! 아냐 내가 미안해! 아냐 내가 미안해!

Phoebe: No, wait, oh, what are we sorry about?
잠깐, 왜 우리가 미안해 하는거지?

Rachel: I don't know...right, he's the pig!
몰라, 맞아! 그 놈이 나쁜 놈이야!

Phoebe: Such a pig!
아주 나쁜 놈이지!

Rachel: Oh, God, he's such a pig,
그래, 아주 나쁜..

Phoebe: Oh he's like a...
그래 그 놈은...

Rachel: He's like a big disgusting...
그 놈은 아주 역겨운..

Phoebe: ...like a...

Rachel: ...pig...pig man!
돼지 같은 놈이야!

Phoebe: Yes, good! Ok...
그래! 맞아!

Rachel: (voice wavers) Oh, but he was my pig man...how did I not see this?
하지만, 내 돼지 같은 놈이야.. 왜 난 그게 안 보였을까?

Phoebe: (raises hand) Oh! I know! (Rachel startled) It's because... he's gorgeous, and he's charming, and when he looks at you...
아! 나 알아! 왜냐면, 파올로가 멋있어서 그래. 그리고 매력적이고, 파올로가 널 볼 때면..

Rachel: Ok, Ok, Pheebs...
그만, 피비..

Phoebe: The end.
이상 끝

Rachel: Oh, God...

Phoebe: Should I not have told you?
얘기 안 할 걸 그랬나?

Rachel: No, no, trust, me, it's, it's, it's much better that I know. Uh, I just liked it better before it was better...
아냐. 아냐. 잘했어. 모르는 것보다 훨씬 나아. 몰랐을때가 더 좋았던 거 같은데...

(Phoebe scoots her chair over to Rachel and hugs her)

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Phoebe is telling everyone how it went across the hall as the foosball game continues.]

Phoebe: I think she took it pretty well. You know Paolo's over there right now, so...
잘 받아들이는 거 같애. 지금 파올로가 와 있어서...

Monica: We should get over there and see if she's okay. (switching places with Ross) Just one...second! Score! (Monica scores, high-fives with Ross) Game! Come on. (Monica and Phoebe leave)
괜찮은지 가봐야겠다.1초만! 골! 이겼다! 가자

Ross: (wiping his brow) Ah...ooh! Well, looks like, uh, we kicked your butts.
우리한테 박살났지?

Joey: No-no, she kicked our butts. You could be on the Olympic standing-there team.
아니,. 모니카한테 박살났지. 넌 올림픽 후보일 뿐이야

Ross: Come on, two on one.
2: 1로 할까?

Chandler: What are you still doing here? She just broke up with the guy, it's time for you to swoop in!
레이첼이 그 자식이랑 깨졌는데, 넌 여기서 뭐해? 낚아챌 절호의 찬스잖아!

Ross: What, now?
뭐. 지금?

Joey: Yes, now is when you swoop! You gotta make sure that when Paolo walks out of there, the first guy Rachel sees is you, She's gotta know that you're everything he's not! You're like, like the anti-Paolo!
그럼, 지금이야! 파올로가 없을 때 레이첼이 처음 보는 남자가 너야 돼. 넌 파올로랑 완전히 다르다는 것을 알게 해주는거야. 넌 마치 '반대 파올로'같다고나 할까

Chandler: My Catholic friend is right. She's distraught. You're there for her. You pick up the pieces, and then you usher in the age of Ross! (Ross and Chandler look off into the distance. Joey, wondering what they are looking at, looks in the same direction)
카톨릭 신자 친구 말이 맞어. 레이첼은 지금 산산조각난 상태야. 니가 가서 그 조각들을 주워서, '로스의 시대'로 안내 하는거야

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's Balcony, Rachel is throwing Paolo's clothes over the side.]

Paolo: No, that's cold, that's cold, that's...
안돼. 추운데..추운데..

[Cut to inside the apartment.]

Ross: (entering) How's it going?
어떻게 돼가고 있어?

Monica: Don't stare. Now she just finished throwing his clothes off the balcony, now there's just a lot of gesturing and arm-waving, (shows Rachel gesturing with hands in front of her chest), Ok, that is either, "How could you?" or, "Enormous breasts!" Here he comes!
쳐다 보지마. 방금 파올로의 옷을 전부 내던져 버렸어. 지금은 팔을 흔들어가며 얘기하고 있네, 저건 '어떻게 그럴수가 있니?' 아님 "가슴이 이렇게 커!" 둘 중 하나야. 나온다!

Phoebe: Ooh!

(Paolo enters. Ross, Phoebe, and Monica scatter)

Paolo: Uh, I am, uh, to say good-bye.
그럼 잘 있어요

Phoebe: Oh, ok bye-bye.
그래요. 잘가요

Monica: Paolo, I really hate you for what you did to Rachel, (hands him a lasagna) but I still have five of these, so heat it at 375 until the cheese bubbles.
파올로, 레이첼 한테 한 짓을 정말 싫지만, 아직 라자냐가 5개나 남아서..치즈가 익을때까지 375도로 데워 먹어요

Paolo: Grazie.

Ross: Paolo, I-I just want to tell you and I think I speak for everyone when I say... (shuts door in his face and walks away)
파올로. 할 말이 있는데, 친구들을 대표해서...

Phoebe: Oh, just look at her... (girls move toward Rachel on the balcony)
레이첼 좀 봐...

Ross: Oh you guys, I-I really think just one of us should go out there so she's not overwhelmed...
여럿이 가서 수선떠는 것 보다 한 사람만 가보는게 낫겠다

Monica: Oh, you're right.

Ross: (pulls Monica back) ...and I really think it should be me.
그리고.. 내가 가보는게 제일 낫겠다

[Cut to the balcony, Ross has just climbed through the window.]

Ross: Hey.

Rachel: Hey.

Ross: You all right?

Rachel: Ooh, I've been better...
좀 나아졌어...

Ross: Come here. (he hugs Rachel) Listen, you deserve so much better than him...you know, I mean, you, you, you should be with a guy who knows what he has when he has you.
이리와봐, 넌 파올로한테 너무너무 아까워. 넌 너의 가치를 아는 남자를 만나야 돼.

Rachel: Oh, Ross...

Ross: What?

Rachel: I am so sick of guys. I don't want to look at another guy, I don't want to think about another guy, I don't even want to be near another guy. (Ross crosses arms)
남자라면 신물이나. 다른 남자는 이제 보기도 싫고, 생각하기도 싫어, 남자 옆에 가까이 있기도 싫어

Ross: Huh.

Rachel: Oh Ross, you're so great!
오, 로스, 정말 고마워!

Ross: Ohhhh (Hugs her and sighs)

[Cut to inside the apartment, Rachel and Ross are entering.]

Monica: Ooh...hey honey, are you all right?
오,..레이첼 괜찮니?

Rachel: Oh...

Phoebe: You ok?

Rachel: ...medium...hmm...any cookies left?
그런대로... 쿠키 남았어?

Phoebe: Yep!

Ross: See, Rach, uh, see, I don't think that swearing off guys altogether is the answer. I really don't. I think that what you need is to develop a more sophisticated screening process.
레이첼, 완전히 남자를 끊겠다는 생각은 답이 아닌거 같애. 정말 아냐. 좀더 정교하게 심사를 거치면 돼.

Rachel: No. I just need to be by myself for a while, you know? I just got to figure out what I want
아냐, 당분간 혼자 있을 필요가 있어. 내가 뭘 원하는지 알아야겠어

Ross: Uh, no, no, see, because not...not all guys are going to be a Paolo.
아냐, 아냐, 세상 모든 남자가 파올로 같은 건 아냐

Rachel: No, I know, I know, and I'm sure your little boy is not going to grow up to be one.
나도 알지. 네 아들이 커서 그런 인간이 안될거라는 건 확실해

Ross: (astonished) What?

Rachel: What?

Ross: I-I'm, I'm having a boy?

Rachel: Uh...no. No, no, in fact, you're not having a boy.
아니, 아니. 사실은 아들이 아냐.

Ross: Wha-I'm having, I'm having a boy! (babbling) Huh, am I having a boy?
아들- 아들이구나! 내가 아들을 갖다니?..

Girls: Yes, you're having a boy! (Monica runs over and hugs Ross)
그래, 아들이래!

Ross: I'm having a boy! Oh, I'm having a boy!
아들이야! 아들이라구!

(Joey and Chandler run in)

Chandler: Wha-

Joey: Wha-

Joey and Chandler: What is it?
무슨 일인데?

Ross: I'm having a boy! I-I'm having a boy!
아들이래! 아들이라구!

Joey: Hey!

Chandler: Hey!

Joey and Chandler: We already knew that! (they hug)
우린 벌써 알고 있었지!

Ross: I'm having a son. Um...
아들이 생기다니...

(Ross looks scared)

Closing Credits

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Monica is busy killing Chandle and Joey at foosball.]

Monica: Yes! And that would be a shut-down!
좋았어! 이걸 완승이라고 하지!

Joey and Chandler: Shut-out!! (They both start heading for their rooms.)

Monica: Where are you guys going? Come on, one more game!
어디가는거야? 한 판 더 하자!

Joey: Uh, it's 2:30 in the morning!
지금 새벽 2시 30분이다!

Chandler: Yeah, get out!
그래 니네 집에 가라!

Monica: You guys are always hanging out in my apartment! Come on, I'll only use my left hand, huh? Come on, wussies! (Joey and Chandler pick her up) All right, ok, I gotta go. I'm going, (they throw her out) and I'm gone.
니네들은 맨날 우리 집에서 죽치잖아! 왜 그래, 왼손만 가지고 할게. 덤벼, 겁쟁이들! 알았어, 간다구. 가면 될거아냐, 나 간다

Chandler: (to Joey) One more game?
한 판 더?

Joey: Oh yeah!


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